Wednesday, September 20, 2006

hey guys..
haha just had outdoor activities, quite fun!
mmm anyway, i was just thinking about what ms lee said about rockclimbing and about a's.

well, i just wanted to say, that hey this path may be rough(just like the rockwalls, haha!) but mmm, we'll always be there for each other right? it may be a lot of barriers, but we'll work as a class and i'm sure we'll get by together.. :))
so when things get rough, and it seems difficult, remember, you still have the belayer(?), squatter, rope manager and of course not forgetting the supporter and encourager.
and if you should ever feel exhausted, you can rest on the rope and maybe then you'll see things clearer(like you know when you rest on the rope you can plan how to get all the way up).
if we persevere, we'll get through the rain!

oh ya, since the next activity is kayaking.. one for oar, oar for one! :D

oh gosh, katherine is so cool please! haha =X

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